Our additional services:

We include a lot in our standard home inspections, but some non-standard services are offered for an extra charge, or as a stand-alone service.

Pool/Spa Inspection

We inspect your pool. This includes:

  1. Testing the filtration system

  2. Testing any heating features

  3. Testing water quality

  4. Checking for cracks or other visible damage

  5. Checking that it meets safety standards

Radon Inspection

According to the EPA “Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer.”

You can’t see or smell radon. Testing is the only way to know your level of exposure. Radon can have a big impact on your health and indoor air quality.  All homes should be tested for radon.

Radon comes from radioactive material underneath your house caused by the natural decaying of granite. Nevada is one of 17 states where no counties or cities have adopted building codes to mitigate radon, however, landlords are required to test for & mitigate radon. We offer this test as an additional service. It requires us to bring a testing kit to the house, keep it there for a few days, & then analyze the results.

Sewer Line Inspection

We put a camera through your drains to find defects not visible in a home inspection.

  1. Cracks in the waste-line pipes

  2. Loose joint connections/leaking joint connections

  3. Collapsed pipes/sewer lines

  4. Root intrusion that may or may not have led to damage to the pipe along with blockage that prevents the passage of waste/waste water

  5. Corrosion that can lead to restricted water flow or the eventual collapse of the sewer line pipes

  6. Dislodged or misaligned pipes

  7. Clogged sewer lines

  8. Cracks in the sewer pipes at the foundation of a home due to age and settlement

  9. Defective lines

  10. Normal wear-and-tear or deterioration due to old age

Mold Inspection

While every home inspector can find that there is mold, determining the scale of infestation & damage is not within an inspector’s standards of practice. We offer this as a separate service.

Irrigation System

Sprinkler systems are not part of the Nevada Real Estate division’s standards of practice for Home Inspectors. We can ensure that it is functional, detect active leaks or blockages in the system.